Blush Clinics - India's Premier Skincare Clinic
Dr. Jamuna Pai's

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Skin Resurfacing
& Rejuvenation
Smooth, Soft Skin - Now Possible
Fractional Skin Resurfacing
One of the most popular treatments for fractional aesthetic skin resurfacing which delivers remarkable results with hardly any downtime comes to us through sublative technology.
It resurfaces the underlying scar tissue without breaking open the overlying skin. This non invasive laser treatment allows you to rediscover the fresh skin underneath the scarred layers. This fractional treatment results in both rapid reepitheliazation of the epidermis as well as rebuilding of collagen, which amount to unscarred and beautiful skin.
This treatment is effective and safe on all skin types with a short downtime of 1-3 days during which time the skin may appear red and feel swollen. The treatment requires several sittings and can be repeated every 4-5 weeks.
Treatment Result:

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