Blush Clinics - India's Premier Skincare Clinic
Dr. Jamuna Pai's

Call: 8080125874
CoolSculpt Hotline: 9619881213

Improve overall texture, tone
and radiance.
Causes of Skin Pigmentation
Nothing is more coveted than a skin with clear complexion. Our skin contains the dark pigment melanin. Patchy or uneven pigmentation occurs due to the over production of this pigment which in turn is triggered by many factors which include
Genetic Predisposition
Overexposure to sunlight
Acne Marks
Before running off and buying a fairness cream it is important to get to the root of the cause before formulating a treatment plan.
At Blush, our in-depth knowledge about pigmentation helps us get to the bottom of each case so we can customise a treatment plan which will help you attain an even skin tone, texture and improve overall skin radiance.

Treatment Options:
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